Friday, March 27, 2009

Snow Day

It's been a pretty dry winter around here. We're way below average, I can't remember a winter with so little snow since moving to Colorado 14 years ago. So the blizzard of yesterday and the 8 inches of snow it left us were quite welcome, even if I miss the 70 degree weather! I'm ready to start digging my fingers in the dirt and seeing the seedlings poking their little heads out of the soil.

My Flirty Apron Swap partner received her package yesterday. Her thank yous were heart-felt and appreciative, which makes any and all efforts worth it! I can't wait to get my package!

There are a couple of giveaways you should know about--The Fabric Shopper has an Amy Butler bag pattern and $25.00 gift certificate to Whipstitch Fabrics that you should go check out. I've really been wanting to make the swing bag they're giving away this week.

EllynAnne at Apron Memories is having a giveaway(actually 6!) for those of you that have made something out of vintage linens. Not a contest, mind you, just a little show and tell with the opportunity to win some prizes. So, in addition to my most recent vintage linen project, the apron, I'm posting pictures of my laundry room curtains.

My mom found these on e-bay, and since you can see them from my kitchen and it has a chef theme, she thought I might like them. I thought she was just pointing them out to me, but we ended up bidding against one another unbeknownst to us! She won, and the curtains with a vintage gingham tablecloth border now grace my windows. Love them!

Drew took Tade sledding, so I'm off to enjoy my sewing machine and a little mommy time!

Have a great weekend!